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Loncom Consulting

Analysis. Improvement. Application. Loncom works with small and medium sized businesses to digitise their processes and develop systems.
Data Analytics, Small business, CRM, eCommerce Consultancy
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Connect with Loncom Consulting

The truth is in data and from data we grow

Loncom Consulting was founded to help businesses grow in the digital, data-driven economy. We crunch the numbers, build systems and give tactical support in the areas you need most.

We work with a wide range of software tools to help you achieve data enlightenment! We tailor the latest CRM, Ecommerce and productivity tools based on data outputs to improve your forecasting and boost your marketing communications and sales.

We believe by putting data first, it provides the right foundation for everything else. Substance before style.


Full Packages

  • Micro & SME Business Packages
  • Channel Manager + Data Analytics + Data Services
  • Ecommerce Data Analytics + Data Services
  • CRM & Ecommerce
  • Digital Packages
  • Data Packages
  • Full Digital & Data
  • Shopify Data Analytics + Data Services
  • BigCommerce Data Analytics + Data Services
  • WooCommerce Data Analytics + Data Services

Range of Services

  • Email Marketing Automations
  • CRM Objects or Modules Creation
  • CRM Fields & Validations
  • CRM Automations
  • CRM Integrations
  • CRM Reporting
  • CRM Dashboards
  • CRM Data Cleanup
  • CRM Audit
  • Channel Manager Audit
  • Channel Manager Reporting
  • Channel Manager Dashboards
  • Ecommerce Reporting
  • Ecommerce Forecasting
  • Ecommerce Automations
  • Inventory Management System
  • Ecommerce Systems Audit
  • Product Checker
  • Ecommerce Monitoring
  • Ecommerce Alerts
  • Ecommerce Notifications
  • Ecommerce Integrations
  • Ecommerce Digitalization
  • CRM Full Setup
  • Channel Manager Full Setup
  • Channel Manager + Data Analytics + Data Services
  • Ecommerce Data Analytics + Data Services
  • CRM & Ecommerce
  • HubSpot CRM Audit
  • Salesforce CRM Audit
  • HubSpot CRM Automations
  • Salesforce CRM Automations
  • HubSpot CRM Dashboards
  • Salesforce CRM Dashboards
  • HubSpot CRM Data Cleanup
  • Salesforce CRM Data Cleanup
  • HubSpot CRM Fields & Validations
  • Salesforce CRM Fields & Validations
  • HubSpot CRM Full Setup
  • Salesforce CRM Full Setup
  • Hubspot CRM Integrations
  • Salesforce CRM Integrations
  • HubSpot CRM Modules Creation
  • Salesforce CRM Objects Creation
  • HubSpot CRM Reporting
  • Salesforce CRM Reporting
  • Shopify Alerts
  • BigCommerce Alerts
  • Shopify Automations
  • Big Commerce Automations
  • Shopify Data Analytics + Data Services
  • BigCommerce Data Analytics + Data Services
  • Shopify Digitalization
  • BigCommerce Digitalization
  • Shopify Forecasting
  • BigCommerce Forecasting
  • Shopify Integrations
  • BigCommerce Integrations
  • Shopify Monitoring
  • BigCommerce Monitoring
  • Shopify Notifications
  • BigCommerce Notifications
  • Shopify Reporting
  • BigCommerce Reporting
  • Shopify

Clean Up

  • Data Cleanup
  • Data Categorization
  • Data Migration
  • Google Sheets Automation
  • API Integration
  • Google Analytics 4 (GA4) Setup
  • Email Marketing Automations
  • Data Segmentation
  • Data Entry
  • Budgeting
  • HR System
  • Data Audit
  • Data Communication
  • Reporting
  • Dashboards


Connect with Loncom Consulting

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