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Daphne Tideman

Scaling D2C Startups | £28K to £343K MRR in 18 months | Only Eco-friendly and Wellness D2C Startups | Author | Growth Waves Newsletter
growth marketing, D2C, eco-friendly and wellness
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Connect with Daphne Tideman

Making Growth Easier

Helping eco-friendly and wellness startups focus on changing what is holding their growth back. Let’s turn your growth slowdown into your biggest growth opportunity.

My journey into growth started when I joined RockBoost, the 1st growth hacking agency in the Netherlands, as their first full-time employee. I got to work with over 100 companies of all sizes and industries, and worked my way up to leading a consulting team of 14 growth hackers.

I wrote a book Growing Happy Clients to share all my learnings of consulting clients.

From there, I moved on to the brand side at Heights. As their Head of Growth, I helped them go from £28K to £343 MMR in 18 months whilst also coaching other D2C companies.

Now I'm a freelance growth advisor and consultant helping Founders and Head of Growths of wellness and eco-friendly D2C startups navigate various growth challenges - from scaling channels to finding Product-Market Fit. Additionally, I speak at conferences and talks at well-known brands, like TikTok and ING.


3 month advisory program

How a 3 month advisory program works

  • Am I the right fit for your challenge? - We always start with a free call to discuss your current challenges. From there, I'll create a custom proposal of how I can help you if I think I'm the right match. If not, I'll try to share other resources to help you further.
  • Business Analysis - I’ll request an overview of your data and performance to date. Before our deep dive session, I’ll completely review this to start to hypothesise where your opportunities lie.
  • Deep Dive Session - This 2-3 hour session, we will go through your whole growth strategy and process. We’ll discuss what your goal is and look at what could be holding you back on both a personal and business level. This will define where we focus on during our sessions.
  • 2 advisory sessions per month - Every 2 weeks, we will meet to go through the steps needed to move you forward. I’ll prepare notes and resources beforehand and ensure you have clear action points at the end of each session.
  • Between Sessions - Within a few hours of our sessions, I’ll send you a full overview of notes and action points for you to get on with. If you have questions between sessions, always feel free to reach out. I’ll check in to see how you are progressing to your goal.
  • Reflection - In our last session, we will reflect on your goal and how progression has been, as well as the next steps. Most startups stay on for another three months, but if you are ready to continue on your own, haven’t completed all action points or need another type of support, I will always encourage that instead.


Connect with Daphne Tideman

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